Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Pre-Production - Afterglow Concept art

 Pre-Production - Afterglow Concept art 
As part of our final pitch for the project I wanted to create a series of concept images to help explain my story both for pitching the idea to an audience and to be able to illustrate it to a client in a book. I choose to play around with my use of colour, making each piece stand out on its own and tell its own story, I wanted to use a lot of textures and dust effects to help highlight the ideas of the fireflies and the stories emphases on them. Another member of my team worked on backgrounds for some of these pieces, thus some have been left with so what you see here is all my own work. 

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Pre-production- Afterglow El pose sheet

Pre-production- Afterglow El pose sheet
With all the designs sorted I produced a series of pose sheets, these helped me get a feel for the character and experiment how she would move in each stage of her life, it also helped me understand how animatable she would be and if the designs worked, it was a very enjoyable task and I found myself following for my character even more now that I could draw her with more life.

Friday, 7 April 2017

Pre-Production - Afterglow El Teen Turnaround and Expressions

 Pre-Production - Afterglow El Teen Turnaround and Expressions
After some consideration, I decided to have a major rewrite of my story, after feedback from practise pitches it was made clear that the story wasn't personal enough and often meant that the story felt very discounted. Taking this on board I rewrote the structure of my story, the new narrative now included another stage of Els like, her Teen years. With this in mind, I went away and did just as I did before creating a turn around and expression sheet for this stage of the character, I was much happier with the direction of my story.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Deep Final Result

Deep Final Result 
After two semesters worth of work, our section for Deep was finally completed, It had been a struggle at times and not all the team members were always working as well as they should have, but the end result was something to be happy with, and we enjoyed ourselves working on the project, as well as picking up some valuable skills.