Sunday, 26 February 2017

Pre-production - Afterglow El Adult turnarounds and concepts

Pre-production - Afterglow El Adult turnarounds
After trying an initial concept pieces I realised that I needed to think on how people where actually going to hold they're firefly jars, come up with the idea of macrame bottle holders, using rope to hold the jars in place. Once this was solved I also produced a turnaround for adult EL, again looking at my use of brushes and how these might work.

Pre-production - Afterglow El Child turnarounds

Pre-production - Afterglow El Child turnarounds
After finding a style I was happy with I created a turnaround for El as a child, I played around with a few different colours I until deiced on the first one. I also produced a expression sheet to help me experiment with brushes and colours, as well as how I wanted to use the style and has some personality.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Pre-production - Afterglow Jar concept

Pre-production - Afterglow Jar concept
The general concept of my film involves the metaphor of fireflies, the basic premise is each person has a jar, and in that jar they collects fireflies that appear every time a person has a happy memory, these fireflies can also change colour based on sexuality. This will be shown by using the different sexuality pride flags and they're associated colours. With that in mind I started thinking about how these jars would work, how the fireflies would look and what shapes and colours I wanted to use.

Life Drawing - Set No.20

Life Drawing - Set No.20
For this session we again focused on our idea of movement  and shifting body weight, do do this we used ink with sticks to get a freer lines, it was interesting to work with a different tool and o learn how to make our lines more fluid. 

Edge Award Collaboration - Better Together Turnnarounds.

Edge Award Collaboration - Better Together Turnarounds. 
After establishing the main designs of our two many protagonists I was able to update and create some final turnarounds

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Deep- Final Character designs

Deep- Final Character designs
After receiving even more feedback, on our designs I combined the ideas I had before, while also looking back the 70s style clothing and adding some 'frogging' like that, that the Beatles themselves wore. As well as this I gave Caroline a more defined silhouette and altered the Perseus turnarounds to match the new design. These changes meant the character now fit much better with style of the music video.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Pre-production - Afterglow initial character sketches

Pre-production - Afterglow initial ideas
As well as Els designs I began just drawing out as many different characters as possible, to get an idea of style and try and figure out further the concepts I wanted in the film. I wanted a simple style that would be brightly coloured and easily drawn, as well as having this hand drawn, pencil texture feel.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Edge Award Collaboration - Better Together Animation tests

Edge Award Collaboration - Better Together Animation tests
To ensure that the designs for animateable I tried at a couple of run cycles just to see how they would work, I was very happy with the results and they were alot of fun to do, we did decide however that a ponytail would be harder to animate and that short hair or a hair tied up would be easier to work with.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Life Drawing - Set No.19

Life Drawing - Set No.19
For this session we focused mostly on our understanding of movement and shifting of body weight, using props and quick poses to swiftly get down a body structure and experiment with how the joints would react. We also produced some tonal drawings to study form and shape.

Over the Road backgrounds - Updated

Over the Road backgrounds - Updated
After receiving feedback on my work and updated line work I went back and redid/reworked these backgrounds. Film called for a more washed out, white backgrounds, so I went back in to dull down the colours slightly and adding in some more stronger white patches. They were happy with my improvements and I was able to work on my understanding of light and continuing to work in a new style.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Personal Projects - Dungeons and Dragons 3

Personal Projects - Dungeons and Dragons 3
Another piece I worked on a in my spare time, a handy ref sheet for future use, playing around with colours and costume designs again provide to be alot of fun and helpful for gathering inspiration.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Pre-production - Afterglow initial ideas

 Pre-production - Afterglow initial ideas

For our pre-production module we had to come up with a pitch idea and produce a bible, my ideas under the working title 'Afterglow' follows the journeys of El a young girl struggling to come to terms with her own identity, a film based on coming our and sexuality, the story is partly based on my own personal experiences and stories of others. After looking at some initial inspiration I began sketching out some ideas for style and possible El designs.

Monday, 13 February 2017

Edge Award Collaboration - Better Together More designs

 Edge Award Collaboration - Better Together More designs
For our second year however we applied for the edge award and where lucky enough to be chosen. Now with a budget and a better understanding on how to go about the project I began doing some more designs for the film, working closely with my TV co-director to ensure the design fitted her idea of vision and complimented with my own.