Monday, 11 April 2016

2D Motion Studies- Toonboom Lip sync

2D Motion Studies- Toonboom Lip sync 
For this task we had to produce a lip sync animation to  a piece of audio we had recorded our selves, as well as this the character had to sign the words they spoke in British sign language. In my case the phrase , 'Can the cow jump over the moon?' This task provided to be very enjoyable, and with the use of video reference the sign language was a great skill to pick up and gain a better understanding for. Over all I was very happy with the results although more detail could have been given to head movements in order to add exaggeration 

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Life Drawing Set No.6

Tonal and colour studies

 Quick poses
Fewest line drawings

Life Drawing Set No.6
For these set of drawings, we began to focus again on tonal studies looking at how light falls on the body and how the perspective can change this, as well as this we did a number of  quick poses in order to understand how to reflect movement as swiftly as possible and with as fewer lines as necessary. 

Penryn 800- Character designs

Penryn 800- Character designs
With the story down it was time to start character designs,  with the local idea in mind I produced a range of turn around based around our main characters, so that these could later be used as reference. 

Penryn 800- Storyboard

Penryn 800- Storyboard 
To celebrate 800 years of Penyrn, we were asked to produce a 60-90s film to celebrate the town. In a group of 5 we researched the town and decided on a local story, to a give the film a more personal feel. Our story followed the antics of a local chimney sweep, Chaz and the trouble he got himself into one day. To start this process a storyboard was produced, edited and reworked multiple times, this is the final.  

Background project- Redrawing and analysing animated backgrounds

Background project- Redrawing and analysing animated backgrounds
For this task we were asked to roughly redraw 5 animated backgrounds and then add simple notes on their composition. This task provided highly useful in broadening my understanding of composition and how best to structure a background in order to create depth.

Life Drawing Set No.5

Life Drawing Set No.5
Due to the lack of a model, we took turn drawing one another, focusing on basic line work and tones as well as a few left handed and and blind drawings, as seen in the last image. This provided the opportunity  to observe a model in clothes, and gain an understanding of the movement of fabrics and how they sit on a subject.   

2D Motion Studies- Tv paint two characters clean up and inbetweens

2D Motion Studies- Tv paint two characters clean up and inbetweens


Rough Animation

After Clean up and inbetweening
After completing my own rough animation I swapped this scene with a partner, now using the models sheets they provided as reference, I cleaned up and keyed their work. This stop provide rather time consuming due to the level of detail in the model sheets, and the lack of detailed in the rough animation. Once this was completed however I inbetweened and coloured the scene, ending up with a result I was very happy with.

2D Motion Studies- Tv paint, two characters rough animation

2D Motion Studies- Tv paint, two characters rough animation

Character Turnarounds

Tv paint rough animation 

This assignment was broken in to two parts, individually we had to design two characters. These had to be opposites of one another, and model sheets were then created for both. These characters would then be animated working together to overcome an obstacle. This was to be done in TV Paint. The drawings could be rough but had to be 'on model', and not coloured. With this in mind I produced a rough animation with only the key poses, working on 4's but insuring that it was detailed enough to enable someone else to clean-up, inbetween and colour my rough scene to a high standard. 

Sunday, 3 April 2016

2D Motion Studies- Celaction walks

Character turn around
For this brief we were told to design a character in Photoshop and create a 'Turnaround' model sheet showing the same figure from Front, 3 Quarter, Side,  and Back potions making sure to maintain consistent limb length and volume, I think the shoulder spacing on some of the views could be improved to make this more consistent.
Character 3/4 view
Using the 3 quarter view of our character, and placing it into Photoshop we had to break it down into individual parts, these pieces would then be used in Celaction to rig the character.

Normal Walk Cycle
Character Walk Cycle
Then after creating reference videos to work from, we created are own normal and character walk cycles using Celaction. Celaction provided to be a little complicated at first but soon began to pick it up as I went along, I was very happy with the end results although more work could have been added in animating the head.

Ranger Rick’s Adventures: The Spirit Bear - Animatic

Ranger Rick’s Adventures: The Spirit Bear - Animatic
With the storyboard finished, the images could be combined to create a animatic. This was done by using found sound and recording my own voices and foley sound effects , the end result was a animated adaption of the original script. Although mostly successful more attention to sound quality would have made for a more polished finished product.