Monday 30 January 2017

Deflated - Bathroom Layouts

Deflated - Bathroom Layouts
With the production of the film now getting underway, layouts where now needed so that animating could start as soon as possible. I was assigned to produce three layouts for one of the scenes, using the animatic to help guide me and the films over all style to aid the rest. As a person who usually dislikes backgrounds work, layout work was a refreshing change, allowing me to work on my perspective skills, its something I hope to work on more in the future.

Sunday 29 January 2017

Bug Whisperer Character concepts

Bug Whisperer Character concepts
To start our first week of pre-production we were set a series of live briefs to choose from by the writer James Henry, we were tasked to work with him to produce a range of work within a week for one of these briefs. I deiced to work on the one called 'The Bug Whisperer', which involved some fantasy style animals taking on some equally fantastical bugs. I really loved this project, throwing myself into something for a week was an enjoyable way to work and I was able to work on a range of poses and possible character designs for the projects. The feedback from my classmates was positive, many of them liking the stoat character I had created the most.  

Friday 27 January 2017

Life Drawing - Set No.16

Charcoal drawings - Form

Ink and stick drawing with left hand

Ink and stick drawings.

 Life Drawing - Set No.16
For our first life drawing session of the year we started by doing some simple charcoal drawings to get back into the swing of things, focusing mainly on our use of form and observation skills. After this we tried a new technique involving ink and twigs. using new tools we experimented with the the different mark making methods. The results proved successful and I enjoyed the process, I particularly enjoyed experimenting  with different line thicknesses and how this could be used to create different areas of shade and texture. 

Thursday 26 January 2017

Personal Projects - Dungeons and Dragons 1

Personal Projects - Dungeons and  Dragons
As well as uni projects I also do a number of pieces in my spare time, I really enjoy character designing so like to spend my time working on this specialism, one such way is designing fantasy characters. Here I designed an Orc for a dungeons and dragons game, It was alot of fun working with different body shapes and thinking about costume designs.

Dino Diner - Character Turnarounds continues

Dino Diner - Character Turnarounds continues 
As the project as still short of people, they asked be to finish another two of my character turnarounds that I had previous started. It was good to get back into the stylized way of working again so I enjoyed redrawing the characters and they were happy with my work.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Deep - Updated Caroline Designs

Deep - Updated Caroline Designs 
After revising my previous design and following suggested feedback I decided to make some alteration to my designs for Caroline. Mainly looking at the hands and arm length, I was happy with the new version, but still considering to alter it further as I wasn't totally satisfied. 

Deep - Perseus character designs

Deep - Perseus character designs
As well as Caroline designs we also needed designs for the second lead role, Perseus. Following the same style as before I created this design, using the original yellow submarine style as inspiration. I was overly happy with the results but would have liked to play with the colours more, for now I stuck to a realistic palette but if the project allows, I would like to try something a little more bold. 

Sunday 22 January 2017

Deflated - Character concepts

Deflated - Character concepts
As well as Hamsters the film required some character concepts for a pet shop scene involving a young boy and his dad. I did three quick designs for the boy and then went back to create a more polished version that better stuck to the style, I ended up creating the final design in the process. With the little boy done I did the same with his father, creating three possible ideas for the directors to choose from. It turns out we both had a similar idea for how they should look like, so they were very pleased with my work, and I enjoyed working and learning the new style.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Deflated - Mr Snuggles character concept

Deflated - Mr Snuggles character concept
With now more time to play with, I was able to properly start working on another film 'Deflated', because it was a smaller group there was alot of character concepts that needed to be done, while one the art director wanted to do all the turnarounds herself to keep up continuity. One of the films main characters a hamster named 'Mr Snuggles' needed designing, so I drew a range of designs, playing around with colours and patterns as I went along. I also tried to explore different fur textures to vary the styles, they were very happy with my work and went on to combine a number of them to create the final design. 

Saturday 7 January 2017

Over the Road - Character Height chart

Over the Road - Character Height chart 
As well as designing the characters, the producer asked me to go back and create a height chart that could be used to help others when animating. This gave me the chance to redraw and better understand these characters, so I could get some practice in before helping with animation myself. I was pleased with the results.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Dino Diner - Turnarounds Continued

Dino Diner - Turnarounds Continued
Following my initial turnaround sheets for Dino Diner, I then went back and completed a further three for the project, they were pleased with my work. These would then go on to be used by the molders to produce the 3D character models for the film.